
If the child is lost. Rules for children and parents

Only one in fifty children will not leave with a stranger in an unknown direction if he is lost on the street. Such data was shown by an experiment conducted by the Volunteer Search Team "Lisa Alert". Volunteers of Lisa Alert told us about what to do to prevent your child from being included in these statistics.

These recommendations are made for children, taking into account the fact that the child does not have a mobile phone with him, through which he can contact his parents or the 112 service.

- On the street -

1) Stop

First of all, if you are lost, minimize your movements. Stop when you realize that parents or accompanying adults are not around.

2) look back

Look around for your parents.

3) Shout

Feel free to call your mom or dad out loud, maybe they will hear your voice.

4) Approach a policeman or security guard

If you are in the city and there is a police officer or a security guard of a nearby store, shopping center nearby, come up and say that you are lost.

Important: Do not go far if the police or security guard is not in sight. If you are in the mall on the second floor and the security guard was on the first floor, do not go down to the first floor.

5) Ask for help from the person with the child

If there are no police or security around, the next adult you can turn to is a person with a child.

Important: Do not go anywhere with this person. If an adult offers to take you home or to mom and dad, firmly say that you will wait for mom and dad where you got lost. Ask them to call and tell them where to find you.

- In transport -

1) Get off at the nearest station

If you managed to get into a subway or train car, bus or trolleybus, and your parents are not there, get off at the nearest stop and stand there.

Important: in the metro in the center of the hall at the nearest station, go to the SOS column and ask for help. You can also approach a police officer or a subway worker. Do not leave the nearest station. If the parents entered the car and left, but you did not have time, stay at the station where you were. You don't have to follow your parents.

At the cottage and in the forest

1) Bring and ask your parents to bring a fully charged mobile phone.

2) Bring a whistle, chocolate, a bottle of water.

If you get lost and call for help for a long time, your voice will sit down. It's easier to use a whistle to make yourself known. Chocolate takes up little space and quickly satisfies hunger, you can wash the wound with water.

Important: Do not approach natural open waters without adults.

3) Stay where you are.

4) Look around and call adults or blow the whistle.

5) If no one answered, and there is a path in sight, you can go to the path and stand there.

— For parents —

1. Practice with your children in a playful way, involve friends and relatives in the game "how will I behave if I get lost." Explaining once is not enough. Volunteers also recommend doing one role play where you ask a friend your child doesn't know to try to take them away. Don't be afraid to show your child how you feel - tell them how scared and upset you were when you saw them leaving with a stranger.

2. Teach your child to say "no" to an adult.

3. The child must not leave without your warning and without your permission, even with family friends.

4. If you receive a call saying your child is waiting for you at a nearby store/subway station/shopping center, ask them to stay there and go get your child yourself.

5. Create a password that only you and your child will know.

6. If a child is lost, immediately report to the police. The police accept reports of missing children and adults as soon as they are received. The waiting period of three days from the moment of loss is in the past.

6. Do not let your child go to the forest with elderly relatives.

7. If the child is lost in the country, block all nearby water bodies, connect the neighbors.

8. Do not forbid children to sit on social networks, allow them to have one page that you will know about.

9. The child must make control calls in places of increased danger: "I left the apartment", "I left the entrance." So you check that nothing happened to the child in the elevator.

10. And of course, the child MUST KNOW his last name, first name and address. The earlier the better. Take care of your children!

Based on materials .

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