
How to name a daughter and not make a mistake with the choice

And then a miracle happened - they put a small, tender lump on your chest, which you affectionately call "my sun." All anxieties, expectations and pain have already been left behind, bright minutes of communication with the baby are ahead of you.

Of course, you will have new worries: what to wear, what to bathe in, how to bathe, what to feed (if, God forbid, you have to resort to artificial feeding). However, among others, the problem of choosing a name for the newborn will also appear.

And believe me, do not underestimate the importance of the fact that the life of this, still tiny, little man will largely depend on your choice. How many cases do I know when children are teased in kindergarten or school because of their surname, what can I do? But the name...

So, what factors, in my humble opinion, should parents consider when choosing a name for a girl. Actually for me at one time, they were decisive.

Firstly, the name, of course, must be suitable for the area where at least the initial time the child will live. Of course, you don’t know how her fate will turn out, and in what possible tropical latitudes your child will live, but for our ears Camilla or Juanita sounds very pathetic, making others think that the young mother is too fond of soap series. a separate article is devoted to unusual names on our website .

Secondly, the name should be consonant with the patronymic of the child. I remember I had a teacher ... Not only was her name Vasilisa, but her middle name was Vsevolodovna. Vasilisa Vsevolodovna - it is really difficult to pronounce. She already understands that they are addressing her, and patiently waits for a couple more seconds until her name is pronounced. Painfully...

The situation is similar with patronymics Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Svyatoslavovna, Konstantinovna, Bronislavovna, etc. If you have already “awarded” the child with such a patronymic (I understand that this is not your fault), then at least try to give a shorter name. Olga Rostislavovna or Anna Konstantinovna sounds much easier, beautiful and pleasant.

Thirdly, I wanted the name not to be too “blurry”. Surely, in your adult environment there is more than one Olya, Sveta, Tanya, Ira, etc. Today's children are solid Dasha, Vika, Sofia and Nastya. The choice of names is huge, and it is quite possible to find a name that is neat, not too popular, but at the same time sonorous. For example, Alexandra, Evgenia, Polina, Valeria, Veronica, Marina. These are only those that impress the author of the article. Surely, you have 2-3 names for your daughter in stock.

Fourthly, I personally wanted my daughter's name to be easily transformed into a Western or American style . It hurts to see my daughter, fluent in foreign languages ​​and traveling around Europe.

For example, I like the names: Katerina - Catherine (Catherine), Elizabeth - Elizabeth (Elizabeth), Elena - Helen (Helene), Irina - Irene, Irene (Irene), Daria - Dolly (a diminutive of Dorothy - Dorothy), etc. Say what you like, but our soft sounds "I", "l", "t" are very difficult to perceive in Abroad.

Many will now say that you need to honor your own culture and country, and not chase after fashion trends, and that in Rus' there have been names from time immemorial that it is customary to name children. But remember our glorious Russia of the times of Pushkin and Tolstoy, and with them Helen (Elena) Kuragina, Pierre (Peter) Bezukhov, Kitty Shcherbatskaya from Anna Karenina, who from an early age were called not by Russian names, but by a similar French or English name .

Therefore, there is nothing terrible and terrible in naming a daughter with a name that has a “parallel” in European languages. After all, becoming an adult, your baby will feel comfortable almost anywhere in the world, without breaking with the traditions of her native country.


  1. Larisa

    14/12/2011 at 06:55

    According to that the name should not be too long and difficult to pronounce, and the MAIN thing is to fit the surname and patronymic. For example, the Chukchi, their name = one word, but our situation is different. And you can be Angelina, if the surname and first name allow. But Ivanova Jessica sounds stupid.

  2. Rostislav

    17/12/2011 at 21:51

    Beautiful beautiful - strife.
    What is good for a Russian is death for a Frenchman ... If a Russian person hears the name Josephine, Giselle, Amelia, then the first thing that comes to his mind is the French roots of the girl. And when in fact it turns out that she is from the nearest village of Tyurupino, you immediately think about the bad taste of your parents, frank show off, and the “girl” turns out to be another ......

  3. Margosha

    19/12/2011 at 21:38

    The name should be beautiful and rare. I like names for girls: Yaroslava, Arina, Polina, Elina, Yarina,

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