
How to raise an excellent student - 5 tips for parents of schoolchildren

Many parents dream of being proud of their child. Therefore, the desire to raise an excellent student is what binds all adults. After all, everyone wants their child to become a leader, get a good job in life and do not deny themselves anything when they grow up, respectively - they study well for the benefit of a brilliant and carefree future. It is obvious that in this situation it is useless to force the student to do something, or to communicate with him in a raised voice, proving the importance of education.

So how do you instill in your child a love of knowledge and a desire for good grades?


First of all, it is necessary to instill in the child an interest in new knowledge. Choose tasks that will develop not only intellectually, but also creatively. Ask your child what he is interested in and what he would like to do outside of school.

Explain to him that knowledge in all directions and versatility of interests is the key to development and acquiring new skills. Tell why a particular subject might be of interest to him and how it is useful.


In order for your child to succeed in school, it must first of all be good. Find a good school with qualified teachers who know how to properly communicate with children. It often happens that it is teachers who discourage their students from wanting to learn, because they do not know how to teach material for study in an interesting and correct way. It is also necessary to take care of a sufficient number of hours of study and use the services of a tutor in subjects that are difficult for your child.

Finding a professional teacher is not difficult, the main thing is to find out his education, experience working with children and teaching methods.
We recommend that you attend the first lesson in order to understand whether this teacher is suitable for your child, whether it is comfortable for him to study, and whether the teacher treats the student well.


In addition to constant study, the child also needs quality rest. Despite the fact that children are very active, productive and instantly absorb new information, it is worth taking time to play games or watch cartoons, for example. Spend more time with your child, relax with him.

Also, we hasten to remind you that rest can also be beneficial, for example, playing sports, reading a book, watching an interesting movie or cartoon, active games, drawing or clay modeling. And after a good break, you can start classes with renewed vigor.

Own example

How do you want to teach your child to read if you yourself have not opened a book for several years? Show your child by example that learning is interesting and really exciting.

Repeat with him the material covered or help him understand a new topic in mathematics. The child will not only duplicate your behavior, but also be proud of you.


It's the most important. Give the maximum amount of warmth, care and support to your little student. Spend more time with him, communicate on any topic, rejoice in his victories - even the smallest ones. This, at first glance, easy step for you, can be a huge boost for your child, because he will feel that he is needed and loved.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can make sure that your child independently strives for new knowledge and enjoys the learning process.

But, do not forget that mental health is much more important than good grades in school, so in no case do not yell at the child, do not force him to do what he does not want. You can only let him know that it is necessary, but without aggressive intervention in his personal space and making decisions for him. Respect your child and love him not for good grades.

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