
Principles of healthy eating

You can talk about healthy eating for a long time: “Eat this, eat that”, “drink this, don’t drink that”. However, it is worth remembering that a healthy, proper and rational diet is the basis of a healthy, long and happy life, healthy offspring. And since you can’t force yourself to eat oatmeal and beets, at least you can give up chemicals, flavors, barbiturates and sodium nitrites. Simply put, remember those foods that you can’t eat.

We ourselves pollute our body with fast foods, pesticides, antibiotics, and then complain about health, bad heredity and the government. However, it may be worth starting with yourself and giving up foods that harm the body.

So, the principles of healthy eating. The most harmful products.

1. Table salt (sodium chloride). Our generation has been taught to eat salty foods since childhood, our taste buds have become so perverted that now unsalted foods seem tasteless to us. However, this degree of “salinity” goes beyond the norms that are required to meet the daily physiological need of the body for salt. Note that the human body does not digest and absorb salt.

Therefore, if you do not feel an excessive need for adding salt to food - do not do it. Excess salt retains a large amount of water in the body, as a result, the kidneys and heart get “extra” work, swelling and headaches appear. For those who believe that without salt, their body will lose the necessary elements (chloride and sodium), let's say that many foods contain a sufficient amount of sodium, for example, in vegetables, and chlorine is found in milk and fruits.

2. Sugar. Of course, it is simply impossible to refuse the full consumption of sugar. I think this statement is true for 99% of people. However, one should strive to reduce its consumption to a minimum, for example, tea without sugar can be quite tasty.

As such, the human body does not experience the need for sugar, it needs glucose, not sugar. Glucose, unlike sugar, is easily absorbed and does not cause harm to the body. The body can get this very glucose from fructose, a natural sugar. Fructose is found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts. And for the absorption of white sugar, you need a large amount of B vitamins. If all B-vitamins go to sugar, then the body feels their deficiency and reacts with various neurological sores.

If you are going to use sugar as a source of glucose, then take note of the following. The daily need of a teenager in kcal is 2500-2700 kcal., 100 grams of sugar contain 410 kcal. Now calculate how much the daily allowance of kcal is exceeded, given the tendency of children to drink tea several times a day with 3-5 tablespoons of sugar, eating sweets, cookies and cakes.

3. Canned food. We will not write about the harm of various canned food, sprats, pates. There are enough various materials on this topic, and almost everyone knows what they are prepared from, or they don’t want to know, for that matter. This also includes modern sausage, in which, as we know, almost nothing is left of a real sausage.

4. Margarine. Margarine was created over 130 years ago in France. It was designed to replace butter, which the middle strata of the population could not afford, and to satisfy the needs of the human body for fats.

By its nature, margarine is a mixture of liquid vegetable (mainly genetically modified soy) and animal fats, which are converted into a solid state. The question of the dangers of margarine has been raised for a long time: it contains trans fats, which increase the amount of "bad" cholesterol, cause blood clots in the vessels and, as a result, heart attacks and strokes, and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. Don't forget about the chemical additives that go into making margarine.

5. Coffee. The effect of "invigorating", by the way, has long been dispelled by scientists. It has been proven that after some time of drinking coffee, a person will exceed his individual dose, as a result, caffeine addiction develops. The body reacts very strongly to the rejection of coffee, drowsiness and fatigue increase, and in order to achieve the same effect, you need to significantly increase the dose of coffee you drink.

We continue the list of harmful products.

6. Lemonades (cola, fanta, pops). As for pops, then there is no doubt at all about the dangers of these products. First, look at the number of different E-additives that are contained in such drinks. This is aspartame (E951), a synthetic sweetener, when heated to +30 C, it decomposes, forming a carcinogenic substance formaldehyde and highly toxic methanol. Swallowed methanol, which has ruined the lives of thousands of drinkers, turns into formaldehyde (class A carcinogen), then into formic acid (red ant venom).

In addition, soda contains orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4), it is used for the production of fertilizers, in the food and textile industries; phosphates - in the production of phosphate fertilizers, enamels, glass.

8 . Fried food. Yes, we all know that steamed and boiled is better than fried. However, we will not be able to completely abandon the fried, so I will not even insist. Just to repeat: "Fried food is unhealthy food!"

9. Vinegar, mustard. These are products that are unhealthy, because, sadly, any highly acidic, spicy, salty and bitter foods irritate our digestive tract so much that they interfere with their normal functioning and, as a result, contribute to the development of various diseases. Of course, you should not exclude vinegar and mustard from your diet, unless you consume them daily and in alarming amounts. If they are rare and few, then there will be no harm.

10. Refined (purified) vegetable oil. Harm of refined oil. Refined and unrefined oils. For a long time, scientists could not decide whether there is harm from refined vegetable oil. As they say now - yes, there is! And a lot.

What exactly is the refining process? The oil is industrially processed and evaporated to such an extent that the liquid becomes almost transparent, and the oil itself is obtained without sediment and practically odorless. Yes, some of the harmful substances from refined oil, but on the other hand, along with harmful substances, natural vitamins disappear. There is nothing in this oil that would benefit the body. And in the manufacture of refined oil, various chemicals are often used. Manufacturers, by the way, prefer to produce refined oil, it is stored longer, easier to transport and sell.

Unrefined (crude) oil, in turn, is obtained by filtering, solid impurities are removed, but sediment, phospholipids, and valuable biologically active compounds remain. It is better to shake the vegetable oil before use. The greatest benefit is from unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils. Vitamins A, E and other active substances are preserved in such oil.

However, remember that any vegetable oil in the process of frying (if it smokes and burns) turns into carcinogens that promote the growth of cancer cells. Even - turns into drying oil. So it's better to steam vegetables or bake meat in the oven. An entire article is devoted to refined and unrefined oils on our website.

11. Sluggish vegetables and greens. It turns out that weathered or sluggish vegetables are harmful to humans, microorganisms develop in them, and the process of fermentation and decay begins. If such products are grown using nitrates, then they eventually turn into nitrites, which adversely affect all organs. We recommend reading our article - How to get rid of nitrates in vegetables.

12. Mayonnaise. Mayonnaise, as a product, is completely incompatible with the concepts of healthy food. You just need to read its composition to be sure of this. In addition to a variety of E- ..., it contains cholesterol and other delights.

13. Reheated food. It would seem, right? I’ll make a reservation right away, particular harm from it, it’s only a pity that its beneficial properties also disappear.

14. Polished rice. Polished rice is another example of refining. When rice is polished, the vitamin-rich shell of the grain is removed, and the rice loses most of its nutrients. If you are striving to get a complete and healthy food for the body, use unpolished rice or steamed.

Our list does not contain 10 harmful products, there are actually many more, we have listed only the most basic ones. It is not necessary to completely eliminate these foods from your diet, for the first step it will be enough that you choose a few of them and stop using them, at least do not drink any lemonade pops, do not eat junk food - fast food, coffee, sausages. If you can't fight the rest, at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

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