
Why is there a violation of the microflora of the vagina?

Violation of the microflora of the vagina often causes various infections, inflammatory processes, an increased risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease, and can even cause cervical cancer.

In a healthy state, the microflora of the vagina consists mainly of lactobacilli - bacteria that produce the secretion of lactic acid.

The amount of milk bacillus also provides a normal acidic environment in the vagina - a PH reaction of 3.3. It is in such an acidic environment that pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that have entered the vagina die. It has been proven that in a healthy woman with a healthy vaginal environment, the risk of “catching” STDs or even AIDS is very small: 1 time in 150 contacts!

If the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, then the environment in this organ becomes alkaline, the number of lactic bacteria decreases, and new pathogenic microorganisms come in their place. This condition of the vaginal microflora is called differently: bacterial vaginosis, thrush, bacterial vaginosis, dysbacteriosis. However, all these diseases are expressed in one thing - the quantity and quality of microorganisms in the vagina change; the protective function of the vaginal environment is no longer so effective. Further more - from the vagina, the infection can get to the cervix and cause inflammation.

What is the reason for the violation of the microflora of the vagina?

The acidic environment can change to alkaline in case of frequent soap suds entering the vagina. It is not scary if this happens once during washing. But inflicting constant alkaline "blows" on the microflora of the vagina is fraught, this will lead to imbalance and dysbacteriosis. The first, but not mandatory, symptom of a violation of the vaginal microflora is a specific unpleasant "fishy" smell, which cannot be eliminated.

Not only soap foam can significantly affect the state of the vaginal microflora. For example, hormonal collection in a woman's body or physiological processes such as the first menstruation (menarche) or pregnancy can affect the composition of the vaginal environment.

As a rule, the protective function of the genital organs weakens with age. The most vulnerable are girls before puberty and women who have reached menopause.

In addition, the reason for the violation of the microflora of the vagina lies in the banal ignorance of the basic rules of intimate hygiene. Many women simply do not know how to take care of their intimate area, or they abuse various means (soap, gels, water, douches) so much that they completely deprive the body of the ability to defend itself against bacteria.

It has been proven that soap and tap water adversely affect the natural microflora of the vagina, destroying it.

There are special intimate liquid gels based on plant extracts. They do not cause dry skin and irritation, eliminate the "feminine" smell, and have hypoallergenic properties. It is almost impossible to keep the vaginal mucosa healthy without special intimate hygiene products. To learn how to maintain the microflora of the vagina, read our article.

For sufficient care for the intimate area, washcloths and sponges are absolutely not needed, with them you will only harm the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs in the form of small cracks and scratches. You should not abuse soap either, they can only wash the entrance to the vagina. You also need to use a personal, clean and soft towel. On the genitals, moisture is not wiped off so as not to scratch the sensitive mucous membrane, but only gently wetted.

To maintain a healthy microflora in the vagina, use only natural cotton underwear. Synthetic underwear and tight clothing does not allow your skin to breathe. Harmful bacteria multiply much faster if there is no normal air circulation.

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  1. Sveta

    30/05/2011 at 23:51

    Be careful girls! Disturbed microflora of the vagina can affect conception. Bacteria interfere with the movement of spermatozoa to their destination.

  2. Anna

    11/07/2012 at 20:48

    disturbed microflora causes inflammation that goes up to the uterus and appendages and can lead to infertility, what does spermatozoa and their movement have to do with it?

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