
A very thin child. What to do?

"Fat child", "thin child" - these are all stereotypes that have come down to our time from the Soviet past. In the old days, grandmothers measured the health of a child only in kilograms.

Any good parent who sees his "thin" child, the question arises: "What to do?". In this case, try to honestly answer yourself another question: “Is it necessary?”.

Modern medicine distinguishes between healthy and pathological thinness. Pathological thinness is mainly the result of the disease. In addition to low weight, the child looks lethargic, sleepy, inactive, he has a violation of thermal balance. In this case, low weight cannot be cured only by increasing the amount of food taken, the disease must be treated!

Otherwise, there is nothing to treat. The child is simply genetically predisposed to harmony. Individual harmony is not a problem if the child is active, not lethargic, rarely suffers from various colds. This suggests that he eats well, and has the right to be slim.

A very thin child. What to do?

Perhaps you will say that your child does not eat much, and cite the example of a neighbor's baby with a wolf appetite. Your child's appetite, therefore, is more moderate, but nevertheless, remember: all children are born with an appetite sufficient to maintain health and normal weight gain. Children's nutritionists today stand on the position that children always know what they want, they "listen" to natural impulses within themselves.

All children are individual, HIS own genes determine HIS needs, so a mother can never know exactly how much her child should eat today. Your first task is to offer your offspring only healthy foods and dishes and not chase the child with a spoon all over the apartment.

The article was prepared specifically for the site

1 Comment

  1. Karina

    02/27/2011 at 08:07

    Grandmothers are evil. Always on arrival from the village, the son gains 2-3 kg. I wouldn't really mind if it wasn't already in his throat.

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