
Health Prevention - Breathing Practices

The constant presence in the power of hostile forces, fear, doubt, unrest, anxiety, envy, despair, resentment negatively affects the psyche, significantly undermines your health. The harder the day, the more disturbing the dreams, for the brain and heart are full of emotional turmoil and problems caused by the impure vital which has wrapped them in a thick veil.

Breathing practices can help in such situations, which are a kind of flushing of the body with cosmic energy (prana). You need to stand up, with your legs slightly apart, by the window and feel how, with a deep breath, not air enters into you, but the energy of the great cosmos - prana. It purifies your body, vital, mind and heart. You feel that there is not a single point left where it has not penetrated. It flows within you, washing and cleansing your entire being, washing out and throwing out all your base desires, dark, gloomy thoughts as you exhale. Everything that you do not want to recognize as yours, throw it out of yourself as you exhale.

Such a daily spiritual and energy washing for 6-7 minutes will significantly help you in self-improvement. But remember the main thing: it must be done consciously, strivingly, and not mechanically.

If you carefully follow nature, you will notice that all the events taking place around are secretly subordinated to some single rhythm. In fact, this is a great variety of rhythms that are one inside the other, like nesting dolls. In physiology, the main cycles of our body are known: the heart beats every three quarters of a second, the lungs fill with air from 10 to 14 times per minute.

But there are still little-known cycles that Maharisha Ayurveda focuses on - the science of health prevention that arose in India more than 5000 years ago. For example, a person becomes heavier at 7 pm, hands get hot by 2 am, the hour of greatest physical activity and the maximum appetite occurs at noon, mental work is best promoted in the afternoon, you can achieve the greatest speed in movements at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and it is better to demonstrate your skill successfully at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

By learning to capture these rhythms, you will be able to influence your consciousness, adjusting it to the cycles of the day. In Maharisha Ayurveda, there is an ideal daily routine called "dinacharya". This mode helps to enter these cycles, to feel and work out the necessary rhythm of life.

The rhythm of the daily cycle is determined by four main periods of time:

1. Awakening - 6-8 hours.

2. Lunch - 12-13 noon.

3. Dinner - 6-7 pm.

4. Going to bed - 9-10 pm.

Let's take a closer look at the actions and mood of the body in each of these periods separately.

Awakening. According to Ayurveda, the morning is the time of subtle energies that willingly come into contact with your receptive, open after sleep body. The body strives to get rid of the waste accumulated from the previous day, so it is important to remove them from the body in the morning, before we enter a new cycle of the day. To do this, it is good to drink a glass of warm water to help the bowel work. Then brush your teeth, at the same time clean your tongue with a brush if there is a white coating on it, then rinse your mouth thoroughly. Make a light self-massage of the head, shoulders, elbows, chest, abdomen and lower abdomen; it is better to massage using circular motions. This is an excellent tool for balancing the nervous and endocrine systems. Take a bath with warm water, you can shower. Do some gymnastic exercises. After that - 16-20 minutes of meditation. Then breakfast. After breakfast, take a 30-minute walk.

Dinner. Eat early, and most of the daily allowance should be eaten at lunch. At dinner, do not drink cold drinks - they complicate the process of digestion. After eating, sit quietly for five minutes (preferably in silence). Then walk for 5-15 minutes to help digestion. In the late afternoon, after returning home, do evening meditation.

Dinner. Dinner should be moderate - less than lunch. You should not eat fermented food at night; cheese, sour cream, kefir (it is also better to avoid the meat of mammals), as it is difficult to digest. A short walk after dinner will help digestion and prepare the body for a calm evening. Go to bed early, but not earlier than three hours after dinner (preferably around 10 o'clock). Do not read or watch TV in bed.

Health Prevention

At first, this routine will seem very busy to you. But know that in the end you will gain much more time than you spend by extending your life span by several years.

The goal of Ayurveda is to show how human life can be changed, influenced and completely controlled without allowing the intervention of diseases. The main principle of self-improvement according to this system is that consciousness has a strong influence on the body, and liberation from disease depends on whether you get in touch with your own consciousness. And for this it is necessary to bring it into balance, balance it and then transfer this balance to the body. This state of balanced consciousness will raise your health to a higher level than any immunity.

The whole trouble is that a person is accustomed to considering his body as a monolith. In fact, our body and organism are in constant motion of exchange. For example, adipose tissue is constantly filled and released from fat every three weeks. The mucous membrane of the stomach is updated every five days. Our skin is renewed every five weeks. The skeleton, at first glance so stable and immobile, completely changes every three months. The intake of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen into the body occurs so quickly that a person can be renewed in just a few weeks. Only heavy atoms of iron, magnesium, copper and some others slow down this process of renewal. Every year, 98% of the atoms in your body are replaced with new ones.

Everything you eat, say, think, see, feel affects your general condition. At the turn of our century, psychologist William James pointed to the mechanism that allows you to control yourself: “One of the greatest discoveries of my generation,” he wrote, “was that a person can change his life by changing his mind.”

In other words, a person should do everything not mechanically, but consciously; to eat, cleanse the body, rest, perform various physical activities only consciously, listening to internal processes, signals, urges, desires. Like an experienced driver, he constantly listens to his car in motion in order to identify unusual sounds - their appearance serves as a signal that alerts him. So a person should be alarmed by the slightest extraordinary manifestations of his body. It is important to find them in time. This is the first step towards salvation.

Many diseases can be cured by teaching your consciousness to control the body, in other words, by balancing it on a more subtle level.

The decisive factor in this will be a huge faith in healing. It is not yet known what helped Dikul, either his perfectly developed technique, or a huge faith in victory. Rather, the first was only a derivative of the second. Very many similar cases of miraculous healings are known, where the main reason for getting rid of the disease was only the unbending will of the patient, his inextinguishable desire to recover. And this is nothing else than the well-known “mind-body” system.

I want to urge you to listen to my advice: when you feel the onset of an illness, do not give up, do not shift your care to the doctors - by doing this you will only significantly harm yourself. Urgently mobilize all your internal reserves to fight the disease. Listen carefully to your body, it will tell you the way out of a difficult situation. Only you and no one else can help you.

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