
Honey treatment - ancient recipes

Since ancient times, the peoples of the Earth considered honey a gift from heaven, and honeybees were called the favorites of the gods. Honey is rich in carbohydrates and various trace elements, a little a lot of enzymes, organic acids and biostimulants. This chemical composition of honey puts it in the highest places among the main food products.

Information about the healing properties of honey comes to us from time immemorial. The site wrote about them here - . The sages, for example, believed that honey was able to prolong life, postponing the onset of old age. The famous philosopher Democritus explained his long life by the constant consumption of this wonderful and tasty product. And the gladiators of Rome, before entering the mortal duel, consumed honey. He gave them strength and endurance. The ancient Greeks gave a few drops of honey to a newborn baby before being applied to the mother's breast for the first time.

Bee honey, firstly, is a high-calorie food, and secondly, it is a health product. Its advantages are obvious: in case of fatigue and weakness, honey restores strength, is able to give clarity of thought, normalizes the activity of the body, including returning the ability to work to people who have had serious illnesses.

Nutritionists believe that lovers of meat and flour products simply need to include honey in their diet. Here it is time to recall the common truth that “fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates”, and bee honey is just fabulously rich in carbohydrates. The constant intake of natural honey calms the central nervous system, significantly improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Ways to take honey

The most common way to consume honey is by mouth. It is usually taken in small doses. A teaspoon of honey should be kept in the mouth as long as possible and preferably washed down with tea, milk or juice. Adults are recommended to take an average of 100 grams of honey, children - 30-50 grams per day.

Especially useful is the consumption of honey in case of long-term debilitating diseases, for people who have undergone surgery and during convalescence. If there is a problem with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, in this case, honey is recommended to be diluted with cool water to the consistency of sour cream. Because bee honey affects gastric secretion, its use in the amount of 1 table. a spoonful of honey in a glass of cold water before meals promotes the secretion of gastric juice. In turn, taking honey in the same dose 1.5-2 hours before meals in the form of a warm solution slows down the secretion of gastric juice. This effect is actively used in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. For diseases of the digestive tract, it is best to consume honey collected from mint and yarrow. This is due to the fact that honey retains the healing properties of the plants from which it was collected.

Honey is used for medicinal purposes and externally. For example, for skin diseases, honey-based ointments, compresses and local baths are prepared. For inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and other respiratory organs, it is recommended to inhale with honey. For this purpose, a 50% solution of honey is prepared and special inhalers are used. In diseases of the respiratory tract, mountain honey, honey from oregano, thyme, and linden are most effective.

Helps honey and in the treatment of female diseases.
For example, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina, the use of tampons with honey is prescribed, they significantly reduce the recovery time.
Anna - for magazine.

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