
How to conceive a healthy child

Fortunately, most babies are born healthy, much healthier than their mom and dad. And this is logical, because for 25 years he did not breathe dust, did not eat "plastic" food, did not drink harmful chemical drinks, etc. And of course, his mother behaved very carefully during conception and pregnancy.

In order for your baby to be born alive, rosy-cheeked and healthy "zucchini", you need to pay attention to the health of the parents long before the future mom and dad found out about the onset of pregnancy.

Male and female cells take part in fertilization, i.e. Putting all the responsibility for the health of the baby on the mother's shoulders is simply stupid. Dad's well-being and condition no less affects this. And given the fact that the mother's egg matures in 12-14 days, and the father's sperm in 72 days, it becomes clear that dad needs to make no less effort for the normal maturation of his germ cells (refuse to drink alcohol, smoke, take medications). drugs, change working conditions if, for example, it is associated with exposure to harmful chemicals on his body).

Yes, there is a lot of talk that a drunk couple managed to conceive and give birth to a healthy child without any problems. However, this is mostly the exception. Are you ready to risk the life of your unborn baby? After all, "drunken conception" threatens with various disorders in a child - schizophrenia, autism, deafness, physical deformities, recalls the site

How to conceive a healthy child

A medical examination of a couple preparing to become parents is also very important. It is necessary to undergo an examination in advance and identify hidden diseases of the infection. After all, it is known that during pregnancy, a woman's immunity is significantly weakened, her hormonal background, mood, body, etc. change.

That is why women are prone to the so-called diseases of pregnant women - low hemoglobin, hypovitaminosis, diabetes, kidney and heart problems (due to an increase in the load on these organs), various inflammations, for example, cystitis in pregnant women, and sexual infections. Timely identification and treatment of these problems will help you conceive safely, easily endure and give birth to a baby.

Of course, do not be upset if you did not manage to do everything as expected, and you already saw two stripes on the test. You still have nine months ahead of you to devote to the health of your unborn baby. Read our article on what tests to take during pregnancy.

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