
What to do and how to get pregnant if it doesn’t work ....

Women are increasingly postponing the birth of children "for later." And often the topic of pregnancy “pops up” already closer to 30 years. How to approach the issue correctly and rationally? What you need to know about the reproductive functions of men and women? What does the concept of planning include?

Planning a child is a set of measures aimed at preparing a woman's body for pregnancy, checking her condition and directly trying to get pregnant. In the worst scenario, analyzes and examinations are added to find out the reasons why everything is in vain.


Review habits, rhythm of life and nutrition.

Do you smoke? Quit in advance, as abruptly quitting cigarettes after a positive test can trigger a miscarriage. Drink alcohol on a regular basis - get rid of this habit.

If you don't exercise, start and focus on your abs and thighs. The uterus and ovaries will be better supplied with oxygen and work more productively. The abdominal muscles are useful for supporting the uterus. Do Kegel exercises aimed at training the intimate muscles and anus. So you can avoid the development of hemorrhoids and leakage of urine for a long time and after the birth of a child. Choose a set of exercises for the muscles that support the chest - under the influence of progesterone and prolactin, it will increase in size.

Make a balanced and healthy diet: eat more vegetables and seasonal fruits, give up soda and snacks. If you are overweight, try to lose weight, but do not starve yourself. The same rules apply to men.

Take folic acid 400 mcg daily. If there are no contraindications from the thyroid gland, add iodine there (in the form of potassium iodide) at a dose of 200 mcg.

There are chronic diseases - achieve remission, visit specialized specialists and get recommendations based on future pregnancy.

Tests required for those planning a child

Get tested for antibodies to TORCH infections that can cause serious harm to the embryo. These include: rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes and cytomegalovirus.

Find out the blood type and Rh factor of yourself and your partner. If a woman is negative and a man is positive, you may need to take a course of Rh immunization.

Visit a gynecologist - let him assess the condition of the cervix, conduct a colposcopy and take smears for cytology and flora. You can do an ultrasound to assess the uterus and the condition of the ovaries on the 5-7th day of the cycle and 14 days before the onset of menstruation.

The partner should submit a spermogram to assess the condition of the seed material. More about this in an article on the shop-ultra website:

If, according to this minimum set of tests and studies, nothing alarmed the doctors, it's time to take action.

Direct planning

On average, a woman can become pregnant only 2-3 days a month, and not every day. This is due to the length of the menstrual cycle (from 24 to 35 days) and the day when ovulation occurs, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary (10-14 days before menstruation). The egg cell lives for about 24 hours, spermatozoa in the uterus can wait 2-3 days for it. 1-3 times a year, a woman has "idle" cycles, in which the maturation of the egg does not occur for any reason. This is fine.

Not all couples want and can have sex 2-3 times a week, which would allow a woman not to follow her cycle and still get pregnant. Therefore, estimate the length of the cycle and count from the beginning of the first day of the next menstruation back 14 days (typical length of the second phase). So you will know on which day of the cycle you need to make maximum efforts to conceive. For example, if the cycle length is 30 days, then ovulation will occur on the 16th day.

For accuracy, you can buy ovulation tests, so you will know for sure whether ovulation has occurred or not. Or you can keep a graph of basal temperature to determine ovulation. The template can be downloaded here .

What to do if pregnancy has not occurred after a year

A year has passed - there are no treasured two stripes. It's time to see a doctor. It is this period of time that modern medicine allocates for a guaranteed pregnancy in the absence of problems.

The first thing the doctor will prescribe for a couple is hormone tests.

The hormonal background of a woman regulates everything, from whether there will be ovulation at all, and ending with the possibility of fixing a fertilized egg in the uterus. In men, hormones regulate spermatogenesis.

A typical "female" set, rented on different days: AMG 2-3 day of the cycle; LH, FSH, prolactin, TSH, free T3, T4, estradiol - 3-5 days; testosterone, 17-OH-progesterone, DEA-sulfate, SHBG - on days 8-10; estradiol, progesterone, prolactin - a week after ovulation confirmed by ultrasound.

"Male" set (you can choose any day for delivery): FSH, LH, testosterone, TSH, free T3, T4, DEA sulfate.

A reproductologist can competently evaluate the results, taking into account all previous analyzes and examinations.

If there are no deviations in this area, then the woman will be prescribed:

- analysis by PCR from the vagina for the presence of STDs (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, HPV, herpes, cytomegalovirus);

- folliculometry to confirm the onset of ovulation and control the thickness of the endometrium;

- checking the patency of the fallopian tubes;

- hysteroscopy (determination of the state of the uterus);

- genetic and chemical compatibility with a partner.

All this is not done all at once, but sequentially, in descending order of the frequency of occurrence of causes of infertility in the population.

Kokorina Elena, especially for the site

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