
How to write a resume for a student with no work experience

Unfortunately, all the advice in the press on writing a resume and passing an interview is designed for those who already have education and work experience. But what about part-time students or day students who want to earn extra money during the summer holidays? Today I want to talk about how to write a resume and what to say to an employer in order to get a job without being a first-class specialist in your field due to lack of experience.

To begin with, let's note that a resume is important because, firstly, it provides an opportunity for employees of recruitment agencies and potential employers to get acquainted with your offer by mail or fax (i.e. in your absence), and, secondly, it is like a concentrate of your labor opportunities.

It is for the second reason that it is customary to leave a resume even in the case of personal communication about employment - as a material reminder of you and additional information that is not always mentioned in the conversation. Especially given the fact that we always perceive oral speech through the prism of our own emotional state, the degree of fatigue, haste, possible physical ailment and personal problems.

Therefore, the summary allows you to draw the attention of the reader to what you have not said or "unheard" to him, as well as to the level of organization of thoughts and literacy of the applicant for the position.

A resume should be prepared taking into account some psychological points. Being just a sheet of paper, it attracts attention and is remembered only when it stands out from the mass of its kind in some way. Exclusivity can relate to both the external design and the content of the document So.

# In addition to perfectly adjusted literacy in terms of spelling and punctuation marks, it would be nice, including an esthete, to place textual information beautifully and so that, first of all, the reader’s eyes “catch” exactly what you want to pay attention to. And “weak”, from your point of view, but necessary, taking into account the sincerity of information, you can start up without highlighting and at the end of paragraphs, as if by the way, as “just a fact”. Pay attention to the spaces between paragraphs, the design of each logical sub-item on a new line, with visual accents using font sizes and weights.

# The resume should be done on a computer (I think it's not even discussed) and preferably on business colored paper. At the same time, warm, conducive to a confidential conversation and friendly communication are perceived more - light orange, yellow-green, cream.

# Do not be stingy with the file and leave a resume in it - this is also an indicator of a person's self-esteem and his serious approach to his image and actions.

# It is not at all necessary to have the necessary information in the standard established order: where he studied, where he worked, skills, hobbies. In the absence of facts to be proud of, it is better, after indicating your name and coordinates, to move on to what you offer, you can and agree to do. This is the first thing they will pay attention to, and what, in fact, is of primary interest to any leader: how a candidate for a position can be useful. Everything else is just additional information that enhances or reduces interest in it.

Therefore, try to describe in as much detail as possible everything that you are ready to do for money and adjusting to the requirements of other people. Remember even those skills that you have only recently acquired - at the same time there will be an opportunity to consolidate them in practice, improve them. Just don’t “fill your worth”, otherwise if you are required to do what you can only on paper, work experience can bring tangible disappointments.

# After that, list your business and personal qualities that could characterize you as a person who is serious, responsible, punctual, easy to get along with people, creative, ready to learn new things. Remember everything for which teachers and parents once praised you, what you yourself consider to be your “strong link” and, imagining yourself in the place of a leader who reads your resume, write. Taking into account the fact that a minimum of space will be spent on information about education and work experience in your resume, it is worth “giving all the best” precisely to your business proposals, abilities and positive qualities in work.

# Data on education indicate the next paragraph. At the same time, if you are studying at a university, write only from what year (without mentioning in writing what course you are in) and in what specialty. If there are any additionally completed training courses of any profile, seminars, trainings, be sure to mention them too - the desire for self-improvement is always welcome.

And only after that, without any emphasis in the text, modestly write that you have YET no work experience.

I would recommend focusing not only on the resume, but also on the power of personal charm and your own intentions to get the necessary income. And for this you can:

– Contact the organization where you would like to work, personally, while observing the rules of business etiquette (clothes, manners, behavior, speech).

- Try to "get in touch" with a person authorized to resolve issues of hiring employees, tactfully bypassing explanations with just curious ones.

- With the utmost faith in one's own strengths and the seriousness of intentions to explain the situation to a potential employer.

At the same time, do not make excuses for the lack of experience and completed higher education, but make it clear that you are READY to work. Good leaders are well aware that everyone started from scratch (and they themselves have gone through it!), that previous experience is not always a plus (because it is not always successful), and that enthusiasm and a sincere desire to work are much more valuable than existing knowledge. The overwhelming majority of the necessary skills and abilities, only based on the base obtained during the period of study and previous experience, are developed in a person already in the course of the functions performed, which are necessary in a particular place, taking into account specific, and not educational, circumstances.

# Create a basic setting for yourself: you are NOT hired, but offer cooperation, being ready to spend your own time and effort on this and having every right to have this intention respected by others. Nothing affects the employer so negatively as the position of the humiliating petitioner.

The fact that you are still a student should not be hidden, but there is no need to emphasize: a smart person will figure out who is in front of him anyway. You can calmly say this, but always confidently and with dignity. In the end, this is not your minus, but a plus - the fact that you are so mature about life in order to combine study and work, take responsibility not only for theoretical education, but also for gaining work experience. Only a completely tactless and illiterate person in personnel matters can reproach him for this.

Therefore, conduct a business conversation, respecting yourself (regardless of age, education and social status), and seeing in another a competent leader, a professional. Even if the first attempts fail, this is also an experience: an experience leading to an analysis of the mistakes of one’s own behavior, speech, the experience of working with objections, the experience of business communication and self-presentation. What is never superfluous with the ability to learn from what is happening.

A few more recommendations that are often overlooked when dealing with employees of recruitment agencies and directly with employers.

When talking about work, at the end of the conversation, be sure to ask when you can call to find out the final decision on your candidacy (unless, of course, you are offered to start it tomorrow). Even if you were immediately denied, still call back in the next 2-3 days and remind yourself: situations often change, especially in the summer, when staff members go on vacation, a temporary vacancy can be vacated quite unexpectedly.

From a legal point of view, even a month of work should be documented. You must be given one of three documents: a work book, an extract from orders to enroll you temporarily in a certain position and subsequent dismissal, or your copy of the employment contract. This is what will later be a confirmation of your work experience, even if it accumulates gradually.

It is better not to agree to options without issuing these documents, since they are contrary to labor legislation and, therefore, do not guarantee the promised pay and the agreed working conditions.

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