
How to pass the exam perfectly

EXAM. Well, isn't that a bad word? What's the word there? The process itself is generally a nightmare. But every year you have to endure this torture. Because without knowledge, you see, now nowhere. Maybe it is. After all, every modern girl, if, of course, she has a head on her shoulders, can achieve a lot in life. To make such an amazing career that all her former classmates will faint, and especially envious ones will simply lose the will to live.

Prestigious work, respect for colleagues, big salary, business trips abroad... And all around are handsome men, handsome men, handsome men... The prospect is super! It's already breathtaking. But, probably, so that life does not seem like a raspberry, fate is already right there with its surprises. The catch is that you, like your own ears, will not see all this luxury without a higher education. And it will never start if you can not pass the exams successfully.

Are you a botanist by any chance?

No? And great! Because crammers just don’t breathe in exams. They study, study, study thick volumes, and in the end they remain to study all the same Talmuds until the next exams. No, of course, it is good to know the entire curriculum and shine with the highest level of a foreign language. But in exams in general, in particular, this is not the main thing. It is important to please the teacher. Charm him with yourself so that he, as if under hypnosis, gives you the coveted "five". Well, what did you decide on exploits? Then listen carefully - how easy it is to pass the exam.

The teachers can't stand

Bright makeup. Ultra mini. Multicolored dreadlocks. Long nails in acid colors.

Unisex clothing. Chewing gum. Cribs. When in response to their questions are silent.

But they just love:

Your healthy blush. Cheerful voice when answering.

Classic skirts to the knees and white blouses with ruffles.

When you're not whispering to anyone during an exam. Extensive subject knowledge.

By clothes and rating

More precisely, of course, according to the mind, but ... But you can hide the shortcomings of your education under the right clothes. Or, on the contrary, draw attention to the vast knowledge that you have.

Let's say you are almost unaware of what you need to answer in the exam, and you are going to write off the spur. Then dress in inconspicuous classics. That is, your blouse and knee-length skirt should be dull and inconspicuous colors. It can be any shades of gray, blue, green, beige. Try to find the right shoes and bag. In general, follow the rule: no bright spots! Otherwise, the teacher will look only at you for the entire exam - and nothing will be written off.

But if you really prepared for the exam in a childish way, then feel free to put on some cheerful chintz! Organize a very bright detail in your clothes. For example, a red scarf or the same skirt. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to put on or do anything that the teachers simply cannot stand (see above]. So you can become the brightest of those who know, and there already “excellent” is just around the corner.

Yes! It is also very important that you like your clothes yourself. After all, if, for example, a blouse just infuriates you, because it is uncomfortable in it (something pulls, it’s too short, too long, it makes you very fat or makes you skinny, like a chip ...), then you will be distracted by this whole exam. The consequences are easy to predict. Therefore, be sure to walk around the house for an hour in the outfit that the teachers will later see. To get used to.

How to pass the exam perfectly

And now - the most important thing, the golden rule for all examinees! Never stop while answering! Pause is your worst enemy. Every time you stop talking, the teacher has the opportunity to insert his weighty word into the conversation. And, as a rule, this is a question that takes you away from the topic of the ticket. That's how boring they are, these teachers! They crash terribly.

How to say?

Legible. With the look of a very self-confident person.

On the merits of the question. Without pauses.

Transfer is not a problem!

Well, what if you are sent to retake?
Get ready! Thankfully, it usually takes a lot of time. Well, if you already know for sure that the retake will be the same tickets as the exam. And do not be afraid to ask the teacher this question! After all, this knowledge will save you from unnecessary trouble with paragraphs of the textbook that are unnecessary for retaking. Then calmly start preparing for the upcoming exam number two.

How to successfully pass the exam. Tips from

1. Sit down at home for books and find chapters that correspond to the topics.

2. Put things in order on the table so that nothing distracts you from your work.

3. Divide the total amount of material into equal parts.

4. Make a preparation schedule. Write it down in detail on a sheet.

Now try to stick to that same schedule. So what to do? Without this, you run the risk of again appearing before the bright eyes of the teacher, having learned nothing! Therefore, write a real plan of action. For example, set aside two days for each topic. Don't forget to include "weekends" in your preparation schedule. You're not some kind of recluse! You need to go to the disco and relax!

When reading a paragraph, write down in a special notebook its summary and examples of tasks or historical dates, if any. Having mastered all the topics, start re-reading your special notebook. So you can understand all the most important things.

If some formula or historical date does not want to be remembered, then write it down on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere in a conspicuous place. So that you look at her as often as possible. And she won't get away from you!

The author is Anna Klimova. Article for


  1. Olya

    15/10/2011 at 22:41

    Thank you for your advice, passed the exam perfectly today.
    The main thing is confidence and firmness.
    Properly present the material with a smart look. Play on the mood of the teacher, joke, if appropriate, give him a compliment.

  2. Inna

    25/05/2012 at 21:48

    It is precisely that confidence and firmness, has always envied those who are calm before the exam. Our boys are like) like tanks) and the girls eat everything novopassit in front of the audience, I personally can even forget from excitement what I taught without this pill (and when I’m calm, it’s easier to think, and the teachers don’t find fault, they see that a person is calm, it means he is confident in his abilities 😀 Granny Weatherwax called it headology))))))

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