
How to understand male psychology - perception in men

Men are different from women - this is an axiom. And indeed, each person is unique in nature. But the differences between men and women are much deeper. We not only think, we breathe and function differently.

Did you know that the same organs function differently in men and women, that we have different vital signs, such as blood composition, respiratory rate, heart rate. What can we say about brain activity, organization of thinking, logic, intuition and temperament.

However, whatever one may say, women are obliged to understand men and their psychology. Let's try to understand the main differences between the male essence and how to understand male psychology.

To begin with, let's pay attention to the fact that there are some personality traits that are initially considered "male". You dare argue that such qualities as "the desire for leadership", for example, can very often be found in women, and in some men, on the contrary, it is absent. And you will be right! It's just about some "average" men and women.

Features of perception in men

So, men (in comparison with the beautiful half of humanity) are more rational, decisive, restrained, silent, closed, individual, harsh and aggressive. They have developed logic (women have intuition), they perceive any picture or situation as a whole (a woman pays attention to details), they like to generalize (women analyze and “sort it out”), they strive for leadership, innovation, they want to be the first everywhere .

The last statement also applies to women. As Oscar Wilde said , a man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters, they would like to become the last and be the only love of a man.

Perception in men is based on what they see, in contrast to a woman who perceives oral speech better. Remember the proverb that “a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears”? This statement is 99% true! A man, unlike a woman, is much more difficult to inspire something with words and promises. He rarely believes beautiful, sugary conversations.

Convincing evidence for a man will be what he saw with his own eyes, then it will be very difficult to convince him. A striking example: treason on the male and female side. Even if the beloved returns home from a corporate party with lipstick on his collar, the woman will “melt” under his beautiful speeches and gentle whispers, but she will quickly believe in the betrayal of her beloved if Baba Dusya tells her about it from the 5th floor. A man is less impressionable, words mean less to him than deeds. A woman, unfortunately, on the contrary, often forgets that a person is judged not by his words, but by his deeds.

The perception of the situation in a man is mainly based on logic. He assesses the situation as a whole, without being sprayed on trifles. When buying a book, for example, a man will look at the table of contents, while a woman will open several pages in the middle of the book.

Men are less likely to make any decision based on their own intuition. Women are the opposite. Although, often, the source of female intuition is the observation and attention of a woman to details, trifles. A man relies on logical thinking and analysis. As statistics show, this option also justifies itself. The percentage of women's "hit in the bull's eye" is almost equal to the percentage of men in meticulous logical analysis.

The author is Anna Klimova. Article for

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