
How to get rid of nitrates in vegetables

To get rid of nitrates in vegetables and fruits 100%, firstly, it will not work, and secondly, it is not worth it. Together with nitrates, all useful trace elements and vitamins will leave or die. You can only reduce the amountRead our article on harmful substances.

What is needed for this? You need to know where nitrates "live". on this topic and, based on this, build your line of defense.

In cabbage, remove the top cover and discard the stalks. Yes, sometimes you want to pamper your child with a delicious stump, but is it worth it? For squash, cucumbers and peppers, cut off the pulp around the stalk; for early cucumbers, radishes and radishes, remove the skin and cut off the “tails”. In large carrots, nitrates accumulate in the core, remove the upper part of the core, or better, cut off 1-2 cm on each side.

Chopped greens should be eaten immediately. Nitrates, oxidized in air, become even more dangerous. If possible, eat whole greens, and only lettuce, dill, parsley, nitrates are collected in stems (“vessels”).

In addition, vegetables and fruits are recommended to be washed well. You can wash them with soda solution - 1 tbsp. per liter of water, and then rinse with normal running water.

Let's go further, but first let's give a small example. What does a good hostess do if, God forbid, she oversalted the fish? Right. Soak it in water, and excess salt is removed. Hence the conclusion - water is able to draw salt from products. Do you agree?

By the same principle, you can reduce the nitrate content in vegetables, after soaking the vegetables, nitrates will remain in the water. Cut off the “tails” and roots of vegetables and fill them with clean water. You need to soak the vegetables for about an hour or two, after such a “bathing” about a quarter of all nitrates will remain in the water, this water must be drained. Some, sometimes fanatical people, pour the vegetables again and leave them overnight. Unfortunately, such precautions will not lead to anything, because along with nitrates, all vitamins will “wash out”, and vegetables will not have any taste. We must look for the golden mean!

Harmful compounds also "leave" vegetables during cooking. For example, boiled carrots contain 50% less nitrates, while beets and potatoes contain 20%. Do not leave boiled vegetables in water, but immediately pull them out, because. nitrates are ways to re-absorb into vegetables. Minus - the amount of vitamins also decreases.

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