
Business hairstyles for long and medium hair

The dress code has become a familiar word for a Russian person: today you will not surprise anyone with an office or corporate style. After all, it is with the employees that acquaintance with the company begins, and to a certain extent they create its face.

In a previous article on the website, we wrote about business clothes .

Today we’ll talk about restrained hairstyles for long hair, as an indispensable element of a woman’s business style.

Signs of a business hairstyle are neatness, elegance, style and restraint.

Light artistic mess, unmanageable hair and curls that are ready to break out of the hairstyle at any moment do not harmonize with a business personality at all. You will not be taken seriously by colleagues, and even more so by subordinates.

Excessive severity is also useless to you. Too tight and strict bun will make you look like a "blue stocking".

But the most important thing in a business hairstyle is its simplicity and practicality. Firstly, as a busy woman, it will not be easy for you to create another masterpiece on your head every morning, and secondly, you must be able to quickly “fix” your hair if necessary and put yourself in order 5 minutes before the important meetings. A business hairstyle should indicate that you are too busy to experiment with your appearance every morning.

Hairstyles for long hair should be able to choose not only working ladies, but also those who are looking for employment in a serious company. A beautiful track record and vast work experience will not help a woman with ugly and unkempt hair.

For example, scorched blond hair, regrown roots, which, by the way, are much more noticeable on long hair, will tell an observant employer about how irresponsible you are about your appearance, and he will make a logical conclusion that you will also treat your own. work responsibilities.

Unpainted hair roots will spoil the impression of a woman as a business partner. Such a hairstyle will give the impression of untidiness and will push your counterparty to make an undesirable decision for you.

Your hair color also plays an important role. A girl with unnaturally red or bright pink hair will not inspire confidence among colleagues, bosses and possible partners. Choose neutral shades.

Some rules for business hairstyles:

# Loose hair is absolutely unacceptable.

# The bangs should not cover the eyes, for a business woman, eye-to-eye contact is important. The ideal distance between hair and eyes is 5-10 millimeters.

# Correctly calculate the height of the hairstyle. Too high looks bold, and too low - too seductive.

# Do not make a hairstyle that threatens to fall apart with an unsuccessful turn of the head and the slightest gust of wind. At the next business meeting, you will not think about the latest financial reports, but about the fact that you spent an hour creating this “beauty”, and it is about to fall apart.

Consider some options for business hairstyles for long and medium hair.

Classic business hairstyle - ponytail. It is divine in its simplicity. An original handmade hairpin will make such a hairstyle very effective and rich. As an alternative to an expensive accessory, you can mask the base of the tail with a strand of your own hair.

It is generally accepted that with long hair, hair braided in braids in their various manifestations is considered the most suitable for the office - spikelet, French braid, fishtail.

Braids are very practical in this regard: with tight weaving, they are able to maintain a given shape throughout the working day, you can make such a hairstyle yourself in just 10 minutes, and there are many weaving variations - with the help of braids, you can create new original patterns every day.

You can read about short haircuts

The article was prepared for the BWuman website.

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