
Pregnancy by week - photo of the baby at different times

Every expectant mother wants to know how a little man develops and grows inside her. With trepidation, she is waiting for the next ultrasound in order to look into this mysterious world for at least 5 minutes and see what the restless baby is doing and what is her mood today? And if you manage to take a photo of a baby in a mother's tummy, then such a picture will definitely take pride of place in the family album.

Want to get more information? Read our today's article on the site, and you will find out how the embryo is rapidly changing, acquiring human features, and what your baby has learned to do today.

How is conception

For the birth of a new life, the egg and sperm must meet. This is known to everyone. But how this happens has long been a mystery.

The Swedish photographer Lennart Nilson was able to lift the veil of secrecy. For 10 years, he filmed how the embryo develops from the moment of conception to birth. You can view his work below.

In 1965, Nilsson published A Child is Born, a photobook that remains one of the best-selling ever.







After fertilization, the egg begins to actively split up and goes to the uterus. In the next 40 weeks, your baby will go from poppy seed to rosy-cheeked newborn baby. Thanks to the information from the site we were able to compile for you a picture of his intrauterine life.


Approximately on the 8th day after conception, the egg, freed from the shell, settles on the uterine mucosa and, using its villi, begins to penetrate into it. The implantation process has started.


The cells of the embryo are in continuous division and form 3 germ layers, whole organs and systems will grow from the cells of each of them. The outer leaf will become skin, nails and hair. The middle leaf is the spine, skeleton, blood vessels, blood, lymph and internal organs. The epithelium of the digestive and respiratory systems, liver and pancreas will form from the inner sheet.


The belly of a pregnant woman will be noticeable only from 4-5 months of pregnancy, but the development of the fetus begins from the first days of conception. Let's see how the real miracle happens.

Until 8 weeks, until most of the organs are formed, your baby will be called an embryo, and later a fetus.

Life before birth - photographs of intrauterine development of the embryo

His tiny heart will start beating 18 days after conception. But you will not be able to hear its rhythmic beat soon.


Around the same time, the gray matter of the brain is formed.


So the first month of pregnancy is coming to an end, the baby is now no larger than a sesame seed (~ 3 mm), but its lungs, stomach, and liver are already being laid.



Over the next couple of weeks, the baby adds significantly in length, and at the sixth week of pregnancy it already looks like a small pea. He will begin to form a face with slits for the eyes and ears.




Here is your little bean 16 mm long. During this period, the baby, which swims freely in its "microcosm", forms arms and legs, the stomach and chest are determined, and the vestibular apparatus appears.




It's just under an inch long now, little Thumbelina.



The baby begins to make the first movements in his mother's stomach, but it is still impossible to feel them. Only an obstetrician can hear the heartbeat of an unborn baby through a stethoscope. The "maturation" of the diaphragm will soon be completed, and it will take an active part in breathing. Instead of a “tail”, buttocks appear.



10 weeks


This week is usually the first ultrasound of a pregnant woman. The genitals of the baby are already distinguishable, and the doctor in 95% of cases can tell you the sex of the child.



It is 10 cm long. It weighs about 70 g, like a tiny kitten at birth.


You can get a good look at the baby's face. Do you think he looks like his dad? The child actively blinks, opens his mouth and improves the grasping reflex.





Imagine that you are holding a potato in your hands. This is the length of your baby now (~ 14 cm with a weight of 190-200 grams).


By the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus has grown to 25 cm, looks like a big banana. The fetus is already fully formed, and its thin skin is not so transparent.



During this period, a significant event occurs - the child will hear his mother - her heartbeat, breathing, voice (his ossified auditory ossicles are now able to conduct sounds). The baby sucks his thumb, becomes more energetic.

In the intestines, the original feces - meconium - are formed and the kidneys are launched. Eyelids and eyelashes are clearly visible on the eyes.




Its length from crown to heels is 30 cm, weighs approximately 550-600 grams.


Over the next 3 weeks, the baby will add about 5-6 cm and an average of 250 grams.


From week 28, the lungs of the fetus are ready to breathe ordinary air. All his organs are formed, now the baby has to actively grow and gain weight.

The baby knows how to cry and responds, most often with kicks :), to external sounds. His biorhythms are clearly traced: during wakefulness, the child opens his eyes and closes when he sleeps.


During this period, the tummy is already noticeably rounded, and many pregnant women are thinking about holding a photo shoot. Are you ready for this? If you are still in doubt, then our article and a selection of photos are especially for you .

The average weight of a baby is 2,500 kg. The length of the baby is 47 cm.


From this time on, the fetus is considered mature and ready for birth. He look forward to meeting you!


Polina Morozova, especially for


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