
All posts tagged "children"

  • Why is the baby crying?

    When adults are dissatisfied with something, they begin to violently express their emotions, that is, "swing their rights." What should you do in such situations...

    Children and grandchildren shop-ultra 06/22/2011
  • How to find out the gender of the unborn child - folk signs

    Future parents spend as much as 9 months in a happy expectation of their miracle. And all this time they puzzle over who they brought...

    Pregnancy and childbirth shop-ultra 21/06/2011
  • Psychologist's questions and answers: of life?

    Question to the psychologist: Hello! My daughter Anya is 1 year and two months old. And she constantly begins to show aggressiveness in case she ...

    Psychologist's office shop-ultra 28/05/2011
  • Chinese table of conception of the sex of the child

    Domestic ladies call this method of determining the sex of a child the Chinese table of conception, but it is correctly called the "Chinese table of sexes." According to the floor table...

    Pregnancy and childbirth shop-ultra 14/05/2011
  • What does a mother teach her daughter?

    Children take a lot from their parents, who diligently put mind-reason into their immature heads. Those ideas, the seeds of which were laid in ...

    Children and grandchildren shop-ultra 23/03/2011
  • Psychologist questions and answers: Oh, these children.

    Question to the psychologist: Hello! Help solve this problem: how to tell my parents that I want to live alone separately from them. This question was raised...

    Psychologist's office shop-ultra 24/02/2011
  • How to choose the right name for a child

    "What's in a name?" - the great poet wrote in his time, and he himself had no idea about the depth and scale of the answer ...

    Children and grandchildren shop-ultra 09/02/2011
  • What to read to children. V. Vorobyov. Caprice.

    This is a very cute book that my mother used to read to me when I was a child. In fact, very few people know this book. And you,...

    Children and grandchildren shop-ultra 01/02/2011
  • Raising children with a fairy tale

    “A fairy tale awakens and captivates a dream. It gives the child the first sense of the heroic, it teaches courage and fidelity; she teaches him to contemplate the human...

    Children and grandchildren shop-ultra 29/01/2011
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