
29 "magic" secrets for a perfect figure

Ah, well, who among us, having seen enough of glossy fashion magazines, did not dream of the same chiselled figures as those of the beauties whose photos were posted there? And so we go to the mirror and see all the shortcomings of our body. But we ourselves can be no worse than models! How to achieve a beautiful body close to the ideal? It turns out that it is not so difficult, just follow these magical 29 secrets:

1. Aerobics. Yes, we all know about the benefits of aerobics. Nevertheless, most of us are lazy, but in vain.

2. There are less products that spoil the figure of a woman.

3. Drink a lot of water. It is known to speed up the metabolism.

4. Spin the exercise bike to your favorite TV series or ride a bike on warm days.

5. Wear a slimming corset. And what? A very fashionable accessory this year, and besides, slimming underwear will visually remove a couple of centimeters from the waist.

6. Do not ride the elevator, but climb the stairs yourself. Burns a bunch of calories, shakes the gluteal muscles!

7. Recall a fun childhood and find your good old skates or skis.

8. Spin the hoop (hula hoop). Checked, the fat disappears after a couple of weeks, just twist more carefully so as not to beat off the internal organs.

9. Take a bath with sea salt, speeds up metabolism.

10. Turn on incendiary music and dance, provides a boost of energy, cheers up, and besides, it will burn extra calories.

11. Move more, no options.

12. Download the press, without developed muscles, the shape of the abdomen will not become ideal.

13. Run. If nowhere, then at least around the house.

14. Do not drink alcohol. There are about 90 calories per 100 grams of wine!

15. Eat fruits and vegetables and be healthy!

16. Quit smoking, smoking poisons the body, disrupts digestion, and slows down metabolism.

17. Fewer Caffeinated Foods, More Clean Water!

18. Hate fast food, it is the main enemy of slender hips and a toned tummy.

19. Be stronger than any stressful situation. Just think, well, with whom of us has not met a similar situation!

20. Jump rope, 10 minutes - minus 120 calories!

21. Do yoga. Strengthens muscles, helps to cope with a stressful situation.

22. Do a lot of squat exercises. After all, everyone dreams of rounded gluteal muscles with a chiseled figure.

23. Exercises with dumbbells. The more muscle, the more calories your body needs.

24. Less salt. Salt is the "white death", but still it must be present in your diet.

25. Avoid sweet, salty, fatty and smoked foods.

26. Pretend to be a vegetarian, or at least limit your meat intake.

27. Take a shower often, and a contrast one. Improves blood circulation.

28. Swim in the pool. It is very relaxing and tones the muscles.

29. Do not be nervous, be purposeful and you will definitely achieve results!

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