
How to do a manicure at home

Well-groomed hands are the calling card of any woman, a source of her pride and, sometimes, even a piece of art. We all would like to give our nails into the hands of a professional master at least once a week, but none of us has the wealth of Jennifer Lopez, so we cannot afford such frequent trips to a nail salon and are forced to learn how to do a manicure at home.

So, what do you need to know without fail in order to do a manicure yourself at home that is not inferior to a salon one?

Nail preparation.

Any manipulations should be carried out only on clean nails, i.e. first you need to remove the remnants of varnish using a special liquid. It is desirable that it does not contain acetone, because excessive passion for acetone will make your nails brittle and brittle.

File processing.

Washed off the varnish - proceed to the processing of nails with a nail file. At this stage, questions often arise: which nail file is better to choose, given their diversity, and how to use it correctly?

The first question, in our opinion, is not quite right, because here everything depends on habit. And no matter how much bad things are written about iron nail files, many women have been using them for decades and can boast of very beautiful nails. Others, on the contrary, prefer glass, crystal or cardboard-based nail files. Start from your own convenience. The main thing is to use different nail files to create the shape of the nail plate and to grind and polish the nail.

Remember other rules of work: it is imperative to process only dry nails. Wet hands and, accordingly, nails are softer. Influencing them mechanically, you provoke their stratification. And also, wielding a nail file, select one “vector” for all fingers and work in this direction, so the nail is less injured. Although those who want to give their nails an oval shape, you need to file your nails from the edge to the center, and those who want to show off rectangular nails, you need to file them perpendicular to the growth of the nail.

You can polish your nails once a week, otherwise the nails become very thin and break. For polishing and giving shine to nails, use special nail files. Their difference lies in the fact that they consist of sections with different coatings, and you need to process the nails in a certain sequence: first, with a coarse coating area (this is how you remove the grooves on the nails), and after that, grind with the remaining sides of the nail file.

Cuticle removal

Next, proceed to remove the cuticle. This is such a skin growth, a roller located along the edges of the nail bed. First you need to steam your hands and soften the cuticle - for this you need to buy a "Cutical remover" or make a warm soapy bath. You can remove the cuticle with scissors, forceps, or use a special thin stick, and then remove the skin near the base.

Although, for example, in the West, the cuticle is not cut at all, because it is believed that this is a sure way to bring an infection, and such a trimmed manicure is a little disparagingly called “Russian”. However, the cuticle still needs to be removed, and if you come to a beauty salon in Europe, your nails will be washed with a brush, oiled, a special product will be applied and the cuticle removed with a special spatula.

Nail care.

The manicure ends with the fact that you thoroughly wash your hands and dry them. Now apply the cream. Since the nail itself practically does not absorb the cream, because the nail is keratinized scales, the cream is rubbed with massage movements into the skin around the nail.

Your nails are ready for the next step - applying polish. How to properly paint your nails - read the following article.

And a last tip. Modern ladies often do not have enough time - work, study, family, children gym. If, for example, there is an important meeting in half an hour, and there is no time to put your nails in order, you can use a little trick : wash your hands under running hot water, massage your fingertips, and polish your nails with a facial scrub. Hands will become much neater.

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