
Corporate Scenario New Year 2015

If you decide to celebrate the New Year in the office with your work team, then you need, first of all, to prepare a corporate celebration scenario, otherwise the celebration will be sad! You will need posters, posters, game scripts, contests and, of course, prizes!


In preparation for the celebration, hang posters at the entrance on which you can write:

“Come to our celebration and maybe become a participant in it”

“On New Year's Eve, we light candles! Let's have fun and dance around!"

Or make a picture poster without words. Simple and tasteful.

Create Poster

Attention! Today, without delay, we invite everyone to our carnival!
There will be a lot of laughter and fun, enthusiasm, joy, not an ounce of grief!
And the way for you, it will not be a surprise,
That the best costume of the evening, we will reward with a prize!

Games for a corporate scenario for the New Year


Everyone who sits at the festive table can take part. It is necessary to remember in turn all the good things that happened to the company's employees in this outgoing year. The one who does not come up with any event is out of the game. Play until there is only 1 person left. He is awarded a prize. You can use gifts with corporate symbols: notebooks, diaries, flash drives.

"Competition for the strongest men"

For him, you need to prepare 5-6 newspapers in advance. Depending on how many men you plan to attract to the contest. Its essence lies in the fact that a young man, holding one hand behind his back, with the other, takes a newspaper by the tip and gathers it all into a fist. Whoever manages to do it the fastest is the winner. He needs to make a toast, and also, he receives a gift in the form of a medal “The strongest in ... (company name).

"Surprise Ball"

Prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which write the tasks that the participants of the competition will need to complete. Then put them in balloons and inflate. There should be exactly as many balloons as there are planned guests at the celebration, you can do it with a small margin. This competition is always considered the most fun and most provocative. The main thing is to choose interesting and cheerful music, as well as to compose tasks that would not offend anyone. You can even write parting words on the pieces of paper, cool congratulations and poems on the New Year will help you with this, which can always cheer you up.

"Snow fun"

Prepare cotton balls in advance. Everyone present can take part, the main thing is to divide them into 2 teams. Turn on cheerful music, and while it is playing, let everyone throw snow at each other, move out, no matter how old people are, it is always nice for them to plunge into childhood a little. When the music stops, everyone quickly starts collecting snowballs. Whose team collects more - they won.

"Indecent Dancing"

You got to the beach, where there are only nudists, a disco is held here, in which you simply cannot but take part. The more participants, the more interesting. You need to divide everyone into pairs and distribute vinyl records. They are needed in order to cover intimate places. The man, respectively, receives 1 plate, and the woman - 3. The task is to dance without missing a single vinyl. This can be achieved only by tightly clinging to each other. It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere so that everyone is not only fun, but also interesting.

"Banana Fever"

Several volunteers are selected, their hands are tied behind their backs. The goal is to peel and eat the banana as quickly as possible. This will not be easy to do. You need to pick up fun music and ask the audience to cheer up the contestants. As an encouragement, you can give a fruit basket or a corporate souvenir. Everything will depend on your imagination.

In general, gifts this evening should be received by everyone without exception. So, try to ensure that everyone, in one way or another, was involved in the contests.

The article was prepared for the BWuman website.

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