
How not to eat at night and after six

The sacramental phrase “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy” is familiar to everyone from early childhood. Little girls watch with wide eyes as their mothers or older sisters try hard to lose extra pounds and centimeters, torture themselves with grueling diets, fitness, aerobics, or, which is really bad, fashionable diet pills .

In America, in general, the so-called “minus dinner” diet has become widespread, according to the dogmas of which it is strictly forbidden to consume any food after six in the evening. And if you follow the specified regimen and do not eat after six, you are guaranteed a super effect.

However, have you ever wondered where this notorious “you can’t eat after 6” actually came from? And what to do for people who only get home from work at 8-9 o'clock, for them, refusing dinner is not only extremely difficult, but also extremely dangerous, because it threatens with almost complete deterioration of health and loss of working capacity. In this case, when it is not possible to have dinner earlier, you should never refuse dinner!

There is another category of people who, although they actually have the opportunity to have dinner at 6 pm, suffer psychologically very much due to the refusal of a later dinner. At the cost of your own nerves, you may improve your figure, but such a diet will not bring you anything good and will come back to haunt you with health problems in the future. If you belong to this category of people (do not be offended, but this category is psychologically unstable), not eating after six is ​​contraindicated for you. Dine to your own pleasure at 8 pm, because in fact everything is simpler: the point is not not to eat after 6, but not to eat at night , and then the dream of losing weight quickly will come true much earlier.

Just make it a rule not to eat 4 hours before going to bed. Indeed, with the "six-hour diet" it is assumed that you go to bed at 22-00. And if you lead an active lifestyle before midnight, then, of course, your last meal should be at 8 pm.

But if you're having a hard time "not putting something in your mouth" an hour before bed, check out the following tips to help you fight your nighttime binge.

1. Responsibly approach the very process of nutrition: have lunch, carefully compose the menu for the dinner itself, do not use a lot of salt and spices. Salt retains fluid in the body, and hot spices and spices only increase appetite.

2. Make it a habit to take a walk down the street before going to bed. What could be more romantic than an evening walk arm in arm with your beloved man?

3. Take a warm bath, meditate to your heart's content.

4. Enter a new mode - brush your teeth immediately after dinner. It turns out that many people discover in themselves the most amazing feature - they are unpleasant (or maybe just lazy) to get their already brushed teeth dirty.

What can you eat after 6

5. To keep from a night feast, do not keep high-calorie foods in the refrigerator. Better buy fruits or vegetables if you like them.

6. Never force your body, do not starve yourself and do not wind your nerves: it is better to eat a peach, light yogurt, fruit dessert, drink a glass of kefir. In this case, you should not worry about extra calories, and nerve cells are not restored.

7. If it is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, eat a piece of hard cheese. According to recent studies, cheese helps you fall asleep easier. Herbal teas, mint tea, warm fruit drinks have the same calming effect.

Take a good look at things and understand what you can really do to lose weight, for example, eliminate certain foods . And torturing yourself and not eating after six is ​​at least unreasonable for those who are going to go to bed at one in the morning.

The article was prepared specifically for the magazine.


  1. Malvina

    14/11/2013 at 22:35

    Very competent article, it was interesting and pleasant to read, thanks! From myself I would like to add: I also used Glucobreak spray. I really liked this tool. It really helps to curb your appetite, and no harm from it, because. contains only one glucose. DO NOT consider it as advertising, maybe it will come in handy for someone, as I once did.

  2. Maria Gennadievna

    16/02/2015 at 17:10

    Informative article. For me, this method of losing weight is the only one, because I cannot imagine my life without sweets and anything harmful in terms of proper nutrition. And sticking to strict diets or eating by the hour is not my thing. My method of losing weight is as follows, I allow myself to eat as much as I want during the day, at 18-00 I drink tea with yummy and that's it, until the morning. If I want to eat, then only water, but as a rule, the body gets used to it after a week. For a week, on average, it takes half a kilo, for me this is an excellent result.

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